Sunday 10 June 2007

Communicate in Chinese

Communicate in Chinese



Editor: CCTV 9

The Communicate in Chinese texts have 40 scenarios (40 topics) in total, published as a set of four books, each book comprises ten lessons, the last one being a revision lesson. The teaching materials concentrate on spoken Chinese, through the characters' daily activities as presented in the situational dialogues, language context is reflected and students will find their interest grow as they gradually grasp the ability to communicate in Chinese.

The text has split up expressions that are used in daily life into several topics, each lesson focuses on some of the expressions on the topic, with situational dialogues, new words, common expressions, cultural background, language points, notes, substitutional drills, this integrates comprehension with practical usage. To speed up the learning process for TV viewers and learners so that they can communicate with Chinese people in simple situations, each lesson has been divided into three parts, the first two parts mainly explain the dialogue and include explanations of the cultural background and language points, while the third part is for revision and contains substitutional drills of common expressions. It can be seen that dialogue is given a primary role while exercises complement the learning of conversations. This set of teaching materials and television program aims to allow viewers to become adept at using Chinese to communicate in daily life.

VCDs and audio cassettes accompanying this book are also available.

Popular Science Press

Communicate in Chinese 1


ISBN 7110055353

CNY 32.00 08-2003 P 210x140mm 213pp

Communicate in Chinese 2


ISBN 7110056287

CNY 36.00 01-2004 P 210x140mm 241pp

Communicate in Chinese 3


ISBN 7110056295

CNY 38.00 04-2004 P 210x140mm 253pp

Communicate in Chinese 4


ISBN 7110056309

CNY 38.00 04-2004 P 210x140mm 245pp

Communicate in Chinese 2 (6VCD)

交际汉语 1(VCD 6盘)

ISRC CNA030301110

CNY 120.00 01-2004 243x178mm

Communicate in Chinese 2 (6VCD)

交际汉语 2(VCD 6盘)

ISRC CNA030301860

CNY 120.00 01-2004 243x178mm

Communicate in Chinese 3 (6VCD)

交际汉语 3(VCD 6盘)

ISRC CNA030400280

CNY 120.00 01-2004 243x178mm

Communicate in Chinese 4 (6VCD)

交际汉语 4(VCD 6盘)

ISRC CNA030400300

CNY 120.00 01-2004 243x178mm

Communicate en Chino 1(6VCD)

交际汉语 第1册(VCD 6盘)


ISRC CNA030402310

CNY 120.00 01-2005 243x178mm

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